Mario Ascheri racconta la città-stato del XIII secolo
LONDRA. Mario Ascheri della facoltà di legge dell’Università di Roma I terrà a Londra una conferenza il 7 febbraio prossimo per illustratre il tema “Siena nel XIII secolo. Il grande secolo di una città-stato”. L’appuntamento è fissato per le ore 12 nella Robert Tong Room, Queens Building Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS.
Mario Ascheri is a most distinguished, prolific and versatile medievalist who has written authoritatively on the history of law, his main specialism, as well as on the political and cultural history of medieval Italy. He is particularly renowned for his work on the town and territory of Siena, which includes many critical editions of statutes, two general books and countless articles. In this talk he proposes to conduct a ‘discussion’ with Daniel WaIey’s Siena and the Sienese in the Thirteenth Century (Cambridge, 1991), and to raise broader questions about current approaches to the history of Italian city»states in the middle ages.